Frakcionácia kadmia a olova z reálneho sedimentačného prostredia sedemkrokovou selektívnou sekvenčnou extrakciou
Klíčová slova:
frakcionácia, kadmium, olovo, sediment, sedemkroková sekvenčná extrakcia, životné prostredieAbstrakt
The aim of this research was to analyze the sediments in water reservoirs, to determine the concentrations of toxic elements (Cd, Pb) in the sediments and assess the impact of Cd and Pb on the environment. Selective sequential extractions were used for fractionation of solid element forms in contaminated sediments. The sediments were analyzed by AAS on seven-step sequential extraction. The concentrations of Cd and Pb in sediments were 0.48–0.76 and 9.8–42.4 mg per kg of dry matter, respectively.